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Meet the Maker: Kenzi Creative

Meet the Maker: Kenzi Creative

We’re so excited to feature one of our newest makers for today’s Meet the Maker. Kenzi Creative designs abstract art and digital illustrations that are fun and joy-filled and we can’t wait to share Makenzi’s art and story with you today.

Hi Makenzi! Thanks for sharing your story with us today. Can you tell everyone a little about yourself?

My name is Makenzi and I am an artist! I am from Norman, Oklahoma, but have lived in Dallas since I graduated from OU in 2019. I’m an enneagram 7 who loves being outside, spending time with friends, and am a big fan of The Office. I have always loved art and creativity but didn’t start doing art myself until college. In college, it was all very small projects and just for fun. I would see large beautiful paintings and admire them, but never thought I could paint myself. I finally tossed doubt out the window and started painting large pieces. I love the use of color, texture, and expression in each of my paintings. I let intuition guide my brush and hands. It has been a fun adventure and I am thrilled people are enjoying my art as I share it with the world.

We’re so glad you took the leap! We love your paintings! This past year has been a tough one. Can you share something good that has come out of this time?

This past year has been full of loneliness, community, sadness, joy, etc. Yes, it was VERY hard. However, if I hadn’t lost my job, I would have never had the time or push to really start painting and becoming an artist. I am SO thankful I was pushed into discomfort, because it made me grow, try new things, and really end up loving what I was able to do!

That’s a definite silver lining! Now, so many people get to experience and enjoy your art. Tell us about your business! What do you make and how long have you been doing it?

My business is called Kenzi Creative. I wish it had significant meaning but it’s just my nickname attached with an artsy synonym. I create paintings- mostly abstract acrylic/mixed media. I have loved art and casually been drawing/painting all my life, but just started actually painting (large pieces) in July 2020. I also do digital illustration which is what my art Instagram was originally for when I created it in 2019!

We love your joyful, colorful art! What is the most memorable response you’ve had to your work?

I have participated in a few markets selling my art, and when people would come into my tent, so many people would say ” This art just makes me feel happy” or “This art is so fun and joy-filled.” That always stuck with me and made me so so thankful and happy my art was able to bring positive feelings to others (because that is my intent).

What a beautiful way to make people feel! If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I would definitely go to Europe (Italy, France, etc.) again and go for the purpose of studying art there! It means so much more to me now than when I got to go before.

We hope you get to study art in Europe someday! Thanks so much for sharing the story of Kenzi Creative with us. We’re so glad to have you as part of the Mosaic Makers Collective!

Want to learn more about our makers or shop Kenzi Creative?  Check out these additional resources: 

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