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Meet the Maker: Greenhouse Creative Paper Goods

Meet the Maker: Greenhouse Creative Paper Goods

For today’s Meet the Maker, we’re featuring Kim and Angelique of Greenhouse Creative Paper Goods. Their website describes them as “two girls with different skill-sets, both with a heart to change their worlds with meaningful words of love,” and we think they’re well on their way to changing the world! Greenhouse Creative Paper Goods is delivering smiles through their thoughtful, artistic, and encouraging cards and we can’t wait to share their story with you!

Hi Kim and Angelique! Thanks for sharing your story with us today. Can you tell everyone a little about yourself?

Kim and I (Angelique) are a collaborative business team. We are creative entrepreneurs that want to impact our communities with love, encouragement, and inspiration. We were both born and raised in Lubbock, TX and our business partnership has been the best spontaneous decision that we have ever made. When it comes to opposites, Kim and I are complete opposites, which makes us the perfect team!

Kim is a 7 (if you’re into the enneagram), which means she is a loaded-pack of FUN! She is down for a party any time, knows how to dream big, and does not get discouraged easily. I’m a 5 on the enneagram…that basically means I’m a nerd and extremely awkward, but it also means I’m great at making strategic plans to accomplish Kim’s bright ideas and I can write/read lol. The mission of our brand and our passion for all things coffee is the boy scout-knot that keeps us tied together.

Kim has 8 siblings, she’s the youngest and has a well of creative talents: musician, graphic designer, photographer (wedding, stock, food, you name it she does it), entrepreneur, and wife.

I come in second with 5 siblings, I’m lucky number 3, I did school in California, used to be a serious cowgirl, and can never describe what I do for people: marketing, managing, copywriting, and I’m the coolest aunt.

Sounds like a perfect combination of strengths (and caffeine)! This past year has been a tough one. Can you share something good that has come out of this time?

We all know that this past year has been, well…rough. Even with all the ups and downs, change, and strains; a lot of good has come out of 2020. One of those good things for us is our brand, Greenhouse Creative Paper Goods. That’s right, when it felt like the world was going to end, Kim and I decided that we would start a paper goods company. Creating beauty in the midst of so much tragedy gave us life and hope. In the midst of social distancing, we got to revive a lost art form: sending mail! It just hits different when you get a letter in the mail instead of a DM or text. It’s intentional love.

Intentional love… what a beautiful way to describe what you do! Tell us about Greenhouse Creative Paper Goods! What do you make and how long have you been doing it?

We are Greenhouse Creative Paper Goods. This name came from Kim’s photography business called Greenhouse Creative. She already does custom wedding invitations under that photography business, so we expanded her already existing brand to include paper goods.

Here’s how our Paper Goods business started: After moving back to TX from California, I (Angelique) decided I wanted to make greeting cards. Since I have no skills with digital design I quickly decided I needed a designer to partner with to make my dreams happen. Kim and I are avid Farmer’s Market shoppers, so we saw each other at the market often and one day I popped the question, “Do you want to make greeting cards with me?” She immediately said yes and, come to find out, she actually had a hard drive full of card ideas that had never seen the light of day. It was perfect! Kim texted me two weeks later and asked if we’re actually going to do this and, well…the rest is history, six months later!

That’s an awesome story! Thank goodness for Farmer’s Markets! What are you most proud of?

Aside from owning a beautiful and original product, we are most proud of creating something that we truly believe in. Our mission is to “Encourage others to encourage others.” Greeting cards are just the medium we are using to help people do just that, encourage one another.

We love your mission and think encouraging others is a really important way to live! Now for some fun questions: Kim, what’s the most recent show you binged on Netflix?

Blown Away

That sounds great, we’re fascinated by glass blowing! Angelique, if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

If I could travel anywhere, I’d go to New Zealand because I’ve always wanted to hike the Milford Track and see all the beautiful nature.

New Zealand is one of the most beautiful places in the world! We hope you get there soon! We’re so glad to have you in the Mosaic Makers Collective community!

Want to learn more about our makers or shop Greenhouse Creative Paper Goods?  Check out these additional resources: 

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