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Teddy Rae Prints: Texas A&M University Icon Print

Teddy Rae Prints

Regular price $40.00

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Celebrate Aggie pride with this Texas A&M art print featuring the university’s iconic symbols! From the live mascot, Reveille, and the Aggie Barn to the classic Aggie ring and a ring dunk pitcher, this design captures the spirit of Aggieland. The print also includes a football jersey, a trumpet, and the sayings ‘Gig ‘em’ and ‘Howdy,’ showcasing Aggie traditions. With nods to beloved student hangouts like Hurricane Harry’s, Layne’s Chicken, and the Dixie Chicken, plus a touch of Chimy’s charm, the design also features cowboy boots wit’s an A&M towel and pennant for a true Aggie vibe. Perfect for any Aggie, this print brings the heart of Texas A&M to life.

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